YouTube Creative Essentials Assessment Answers 2024


Exam Name: YouTube Creative Essentials Assessment

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  1. How can you create video ads to maximize effectiveness on YouTube?
  2. Which demonstrates the “Connect” principle in the ABCDs?
  3. Your client’s main goal is to drive ad recall. Which creative consideration for Bumper ads supports these goals?
  4. How have Bumper ads performed in Google-run studies?
  5. According to Ipsos eye-tracking research, approximately how much TV advertising goes unseen?
  6. Which demonstrates the “Attract” principle in the ABCDs?
  7. How can you produce video ads to perform well on YouTube?
  8. Which story arc can be the most impactful on YouTube?
  9. Which YouTube storytelling technique describes when a video ad changes based on viewers’ behavior?
  10. According to Deloitte’s Digital Democracy Survey, approximately how many millennials and Gen Zers are bingeing content weekly.?
  11. What can Brand Lift measure?
  12. Which demonstrates the “Brand” principle in the ABCDs?
  13. Which demonstrates the “Direct” principle in the ABCDs?
  14. Your client is an online car marketplace. Which targeting type can help your client’s campaign reach people in the car buying process?
  15. Which is a best practice for creating effective Bumper ads?
  16. Which targeting type can help your client reach consumers who frequent department stores?
  17. To validate a campaign idea, which tool can be used to explore popular search queries?
  18. In the “Tease, amplify, echo” approach, what role does a piece of long-form content serve?
  19. Which report shows how long a video was watched in aggregate?
  20. Which report shows how long a video keeps its audience?
  21. How can you validate a specific assumption about your audience?
  22. Which report provides insight into the many ways viewers find videos?
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