Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Assessment Answers 2024


Exam Name: Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Assessment

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Google Tag Manager Fundamental Exam Solutions

When a marketer is entering the online field and starts running the campaign for their clients, they have to handle many tasks. Their work is not done with the help of a single analytics tool and ads account, due to which they have to manage more than one of them. Now it is not a simple task due to which many times marketers make a mistake. Due to this, one must use the tagging solution for handling every work.

To teach the marketer these tags and help them use them efficiently, Google Analytics has rolled out a Google Tag Manager Fundamental Course.

What’s inside the course?

The insights of the course are related to measurement and tagging. In a nutshell, the details are provided below.

  • Firstly every marketer who has joined the course is told about the measurement plan and strategy to implement those plans.
  • After that process of installing the tag, the manager is taught, and the data layer is also introduced.
  • After that, the ad conversion tracking is also shown to the person, which will help them in the task of the dynamic remarketing task.

One should go through all the video modules as it will help out a person in giving the exam. After they pass the exam, they are given a certificate to help out in achieving an industry recognized certificate.

The motive of providing the Google Tag Manager Fundamental Exam solutions

People learn to use the tags and its manager properly, but still, they cannot pass the exam. The reason behind this is lack of practice. There is no such resource as Google that will help them in practice, due to which many mentees fail. To help them pass and practice, we are proving the solutions to the latest questions in the exam.

If anyone out there has any issue, then they can contact us and get their doubt cleared.

  1. Google Tag Manager helps you manage your website in which of the following ways?
  2. Google Tag Manager can only be used with Google tags
  3. To create a tag implementation plan, what are the recommended guidelines?
  4. Which Tag Manager tag would you use to track metrics and dimensions in Google Analytics?
  5. What is stored in a Tag Manager container?
  6. What is a “container snippet” in Tag Manager?
  7. A Tag Manager account allows you to do which of the following?:
  8. What is a “trigger” in Tag Manager?
  9. What are the three parts of a trigger in Tag Manager?
  10. How do you enable a built-in variable in Tag Manager?
  11. When logging into Google Tag Manager for the first time, what needs to be set up?
  12. Where can the container code be found in Google Tag Manager?
  13. Which Tracking ID format should be used when setting up an Analytics Pageview tag?
  14. What kind of variable should be used for a reusable Google Analytics property ID variable?
  15. Which are benefits of using the data layer in Tag Manager?
  16. Where should the data layer object be placed in the website code?
  17. How are variables structured in the data layer?
  18. Which can be used to populate information to the data layer?
  19. Data Layer variables automatically persist across different web pages
  20. To pass static values from a website into Google Analytics Custom Dimensions using the data layer, which of these must be set up?
  21. The data layer “push” method allows you to do what?
  22. To pass dynamic values from a website into Google Analytics Custom Metrics using the data layer, which of these must be set up?
  23. To send Custom Dimension data with an Analytics Pageview tag, what do you need to add to the Pageview tag in Tag Manager?
  24. To send Custom Metric data with an Analytics Pageview tag, what do we need to add to the Pageview tag in Tag Manager?
  25. What event type would you choose to track button clicks using an event trigger?
  26. What kinds of website actions can trigger a Google Analytics event tag in Tag Manager?
  27. What kind of user-defined variable should you use to track the URL of a webpage in Tag Manager?
  28. What Tag Manager variable type should you use to track only the part of a URL after the hash sign?
  29. Which built-in variable should you use to define an event trigger based on the class of a Submit button?
  30. To create an Google Ads Conversion tracking tag in Tag Manager, which of these is needed from your Google Ads account?
  31. What would you put in the Conversion Value field to dynamically capture the conversion values associated with your Google Ads tag?
  32. What does Google Analytics Dynamic Remarketing use to show website visitors ads for content they previously viewed?
  33. To set up Dynamic Remarketing in Tag Manager, where do you enable data collection for Advertising Features?
  34. What does Google Ads use to generate dynamic ads based on a user’s past interactions with website products and services?
  35. Where can you find a list of business-vertical attributes for Dynamic Remarketing?
  36. For Dynamic Remarketing, what kind of variable needs to be set up in Tag Manager to collect information in the data layer?
  37. For Dynamic Remarketing, what needs to be set up in Google Analytics to collect information from the data layer?
  38. For Dynamic Remarketing, if you wish to use the data layer to collect when a user adds a product to their shopping cart without refreshing the page, what Analytics track type would you use?
  39. For Dynamic Remarketing, to set your tag to fire on a particular page, what should your trigger variable be set to?
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