How to Learn and Not Forget: 10 Tips for Students


Have you ever felt completely blanked out in the exam hall, even after spending hours studying? Well, you are certainly not the first student to go through this. 

However, with some simple and effective techniques, you can easily retain what you learn. In this article, we will go through a few tips that will help students improve their academic performance. 

1. Start by Assessing What You Know

Before sitting down to study new topics, take a moment to assess what you already know. In most cases, you might already be able to recall some information from the lectures. For instance, there might be an example that your professor discussed that you remember well. 

Doing this pretest will help you understand where you stand. This way, you will identify areas where you need to focus more. 

2. Adopt a Positive Mindset

Did you know that your mood can significantly affect your productivity? If you get into the mood at the start of your studying, you’re guaranteed to be successful. You need to get into the mindset of positivity and get it down to believing in yourself. For example, you can start with a couple simple motivational sentences every day. Bear in mind that with every new topic you need to be patient with yourself and take time to get good.

And studying is not the same as writing an essay or an assignment. For instance, if you are struggling to write a paper, you can always find a pay for apa paper to help with that. But unfortunately, the studying part has to be handled by yourself. Therefore, you will have to motivate yourself a bit about what you are going to learn, you will find it easier to remember it later. 

3. Use Mind Mapping

One of the most effective ways to study is to do it on your own terms. In other words, it’s never a good idea to memorize something blindly. Instead, you should try breaking down the concept in your own words. This will provide you with a better understanding of the subject. 

Mind mapping can be very helpful in this process. In simple terms, a mind map is something like a flow chart. You can add ideas and information which will help you remember a new topic better. In fact, there are dedicated mind-mapping apps that will help students cut their study time in half. 

4. Organize Information

It is not necessary that you should study topics in the textbook order. Instead, try to come up with a pattern that works best for you. You can also refer to your syllabus to understand the learning objectives and what is expected of you. 

If needed, you can also talk to your professors about which parts you need to focus on rather than trying to memorize the whole book. 

5. Write It Out

Some students also find it effective to learn by writing. In fact, studies have proved that handwriting stimulates parts of the brain. This effect is not achieved by typing. 

The neuronal oscillation patterns generated by writing with hands can help students retain more information. With this in mind, students can try taking notes while studying. 

6. Use Mnemonics

Mnemonics is another tip that can make information more memorable. Typically, mnemonics are created with a pattern of letters or other relatable associations. A good example is VIBGYOR – which helps remember the seven colors of the rainbow. 

VIBGYOR stands for Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red, with the first letter of each color. Students can come up with their own mnemonics that help them remember things. There are also many universally used mnemonics available online, which might be handy. 

7. Try the Memory Palace Technique

Well, this memorization technique might require a bit of practice. However, many claim that using a memory palace can be an exceptionally helpful tool. This involves visualizing a familiar place and using it as a reference. 

For instance, let’s say you have to remember a list of items. Think of your house layout and visualize each room. And place a mental image of each item in different places in the house. This space will serve as your unique memory palace. With practice, you can improve on this technique and become quicker. 

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8. Study With a Frien

Wondering how to make studying easier and more fun? Why not partner with a friend? When you are studying with someone, you are likely to have discussions about the subject. 

This engagement can lead to better motivation and learning retention. On top of this, you will also be able to share notes and other study tools. 

9. Pick the Right Place to Study

If studying in groups is too distracting for you, then you should focus on finding a quiet place. Preferably, this place should be dedicated to studying. This way, your brain will associate it with learning, and you will be prepared to get into focus mode. 

You can also personalize this study space based on your interests. You will need to keep the materials you need the most, such as notebooks, pens, and highlighters, at arm’s length. On the other hand, if you are using your laptop as a learning tool, make sure to block distracting websites during study sessions. 

10. Get Enough Sleep

Finally, pay attention to the importance of a good night’s sleep. If you stay up all night studying or writing an assignment before the exam, then your brain won’t get sufficient rest to retain the information. This is one of the main reasons why you often feel blank, even if you covered the portion the previous night, 

Instead, try to cover as much as possible before the last day. You should aim to get at least seven hours of sleep every day. If this isn’t possible, even a short nap can be helpful.

In conclusion, developing an efficient study method will require practice. What works for one student might not be effective for the other. So, don’t hesitate to try out different techniques to figure out what’s best for you. The tips discussed above can help you develop the skills and strategies needed to retain information and achieve academic success. 

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