Cameron, an illustrator, is holding an online workshop to help attendees design their own original comic book characters. She wants to capture information in advance on what her attendees already know about character design and what tools they’re familiar with. What would you recommend Cameron does to accomplish this?


Here is the answer of the question: Cameron, an illustrator, is holding an online workshop to help attendees design their own original comic book characters. She wants to capture information in advance on what her attendees already know about character design and what tools they’re familiar with. What would you recommend Cameron does to accomplish this?

  • Create an event landing page with a customized sign-up form that allows attendees to provide this information when signing up for the workshop.
  • Using the lookalike audience finder, Cameron can target specific users that are already familiar with the exact tools she uses, and invite only them to the class.
  • Create an email campaign asking everyone in her audience to provide this information—she can confirm who knows what after they sign up.
  • Use social posts to ask her existing audience which design tools they use so she can focus the class on things they’re already familiar with.

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