LinkedIn C# Skill Quiz Answers 2024


Exam Name: LinkedIn C# Skill Quiz

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  1. In which of these situations are interfaces better than abstract classes?
  2. Which statement is true of delegates?
  3. Which choice best defines C#’s asynchronous programming model?
  4. How would you determine if a class has a particular attribute?
  5. What is the difference between the ref and out keywords?
  6. How could you retrieve information about a class, as well as create an instance at runtime?
  7. What is this code an example of?
  8. What is the difference between an anonymous type and a regular data type?
  9. When would you use a Dictionary rather that an Array type in your application?
  10. What is the difference between a.Equals(b) and a == b?
  11. Which choice best describes a deadlock situation?
  12. How does the async keyword work?
  13. What is an object in C#?
  14. Which code snippet declares an anonymous type named userData?
  15. What will be returned when this method is executed?
  16. In what order would the employee names in this example be printed to the console?
  17. Lambda expressions are often used in tandem with which of the following?
  18. What is the correct formatting for single line and multiline comments?
  19. How do you make a method in an abstract class overridable?
  20. How would you write code for an integer property called Age with a getter and setter?
  21. What is an abstract class?
  22. When using a thread pool what happens to a given thread after it finishes its task?
  23. Which choice represents a class that inherits behavior from a base class?
  24. What does operator overloading allow you to do?
  25. What it the main purpose of LINQ?
  26. What is the correct syntax for a new generic list of strings named contacts?
  27. What is the difference between throw exceptions and throw clauses?
  28. When an asynchronous method is executed, the code runs but nothing happens other than a compiler warning. What is most likely causing the method to not return anything?
  29. What are C# events?
  30. What kind of values can arrays store?
  31. Given this enumeration, how would you access the integer-type value of ‘AppState.Loading’?
  32. What character would you use to start a regular expression pattern at a word boundary?
  33. To conform to the following interface, which of its members need to be implemented?
  34. You’re dealing with multiple assemblies in your program, but are worried about memory allocation. At what point in the program life cycle are assemblies loaded into memory?
  35. What is most accurate description of a regular expression?
  36. Why would you use a class field in C#
  37. When would you use generics in your code?
  38. What prints to the console when this code is executed?
  39. What is the difference between non-static and static classes?
  40. How would you declare a sealed class named User?
  41. Which characteristic prevents this code from compiling?
  42. How would you serialize this class?
  43. How would you write a delegate named ResultCallback with an int parameter named responseCode?
  44. What is the difference between a static and non-static method?
  45. What is the correct way to write an event named apiResult based on a delegate named ResultCallback?
  46. When will the code inside finally block be executed in a try-catch statement?
  47. What method correctly extends the string class?
  48. How are C# classses limited?
  49. What function do namespaces perform?
  50. What is the correct way to write a public property with a private backing field?
  51. What is a thread pool?
  52. When an object in C# is serialized, what is it converted to?
  53. What is a delegate
  54. What are the four keywords associated with exception handling in C#?
  55. What is the main difference between the is and as operators?
  56. What is the difference between finally and finalize blocks?
  57. Your application has a value type called username that needs to be able to accept null values, but this is generating compile-time errors. How would you fix this in code?
  58. Which code snippet correctly declares a custom exception named InvalidResponse?
  59. How would you write an enum variable called AppState with values for Offline, Loading, and Ready?
  60. What is the main difference between a value type and a reference type?
  61. What is the difference between the break and continue keywords?
  62. Which code snippet correctly declares a variable named userId with a public get and private set?
  63. What is true about virtual methods?
  64. What is likely to happen if you have multiple threads accessing the same resource in your program?
  65. How do you indicate that a string might be null?
  66. Do you need to declare an out variable before you use it?
  67. How would you access the last two people in an array named People?
  68. When can anonymous types be created?
  69. What is true about thread multitasking?
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