Tips for Reducing Website Loading Time


Page load time is a crucial element of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and it helps determine the ranking of a page in Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. The concept is relatively simple. If your page load time (or response time) is more than 1 second, Google considers this as an error which lowers your page rank. To keep a good page rank, you should try to keep your page load time under 2 seconds. Following are some useful ideas and tips that will help you keep your page rank under control.

TIP: IMAGE OPTIMIZER Optimize images for image-viewing. High resolution images constitute the largest percentage for the page size. High-resolution images take time to download and hence they do not contribute to user experience immediately. High-resolution images and animated images are important for attractive attention grabbing. All images should be downloaded from the appropriate server(s) before the page can be displayed and loaded on the user’s device.

Another tip for optimizing page load time is to use a cache to eliminate unnecessary data. By removing data that is no longer required, you free up memory and make the system run faster. Using cache with proper settings can help you to remove unnecessary data such as flash files, static images, and those which are not accessed often. Following are some useful tips and guidelines to optimize page load speed.

Use on-page SEO to enhance page speed. On-page SEO optimization includes using Meta tags, Title, Heading-tags, ALT tags, Meta Description, headings, keywords etc. for better page speed. Avoid duplicate content on your website. Optimize your website by using relevant keywords for each page. Do not cram everything into a single page and make use of descriptive title tags and keywords. For on-site SEO, you need to optimize your site by adding relevant content to your web pages.

Use Browser cache for reducing page load time. When you optimize your website, make sure to keep some details which are not required frequently updated such as dates and download speeds. Browser caching helps in this situation by saving information from old versions and serves the new one. The cache works in such a way that new pages are served from the current one instead of the older versions. Browser cache is very useful when your site has lots of content. It helps in improving the browsing experience for visitors.

Avoid using images or videos that load slowly. There are many tools available to measure image and video quality and loading speed. While choosing a web browser, always look for browsers that support motion pixel. The motion pixel feature ensures smooth and effective use of images and videos. This tip to reduce web page load time will certainly improve the overall performance of your website.

For those websites that use flash features, it is better to deactivate its animation and use image and video instead. The images and videos used in such websites may take a long time to load making it slow page load time for visitors. In this situation, you can choose to increase the size of images or use an alternative method for images such as JavaScript. Another option is to reduce the number of images or use static images to make websites load faster.

Finally, another great tip for reducing page load time is to disable JavaScript and CSS. JavaScript is the technology used for making interactive web pages. On the contrary, as is the styling language for web sites that provides for easy changes in color and style. Both JavaScript and CSS are important but it is suggested that websites should only use Java script to make interactive and informative sites. There are many JavaScript libraries available in the market, which makes it easy to use various features available in popular browsers like IE and Firefox.

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