Tobias proposes that he and Drew create some email automations to send alongside his usual weekly email. However, Drew is used to doing things a certain way and needs convincing. What 3 benefits should Tobias highlight to Drew about what automations can accomplish?


Here is the answer of the question: Tobias proposes that he and Drew create some email automations to send alongside his usual weekly email. However, Drew is used to doing things a certain way and needs convincing. What 3 benefits should Tobias highlight to Drew about what automations can accomplish?

  • They save time: Drew can focus on other parts of his business while his new medication sessions are being marketed to the right people automatically.
  • Welcome automations help build a stronger personal connection with users: Drew can personalize his messaging based on whether customers are new, frequent, or “sometimes” users.
  • Behavioral targeting allows you to send messages to people in real time based on specific actions they take in your app: Drew can have his users emailed automatically every time they complete an in-app meditation.
  • They allow you to compare performance from multiple campaigns over time: Drew can see his campaigns featuring one type of meditation are more popular than his campaigns featuring another type.

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