SEMrush Social Media Toolkit Certification Exam Answers 2024


Exam Name: SEMrush Social Media Toolkit Certification Exam

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SEMrush Social Media Toolkit Certification Answers

We all are very well known that for starting an online business a website is very important but the time has now changed a lot. Now with a working website, a person also needs to build their social media presence. The reason behind this is the large number of customers that are present on the online platforms.

That is why every business needs a tool with the help of which they can manage their social media profiles. But for using this tool, a person needs to have complete knowledge of the tool, and for that, they have also made a course known as Social Media Toolkit Course.

About SEMrush Social Media Toolkit Certification

If you are looking forward to joining this course, then you should know in detail that what you get to study inside this course.

  • First of all, a marketer will be taught about the importance of social media for a business and how to set up social media for a business?
  • After that, they are taught in detail that how they can market their business effectively and how to get qualified leads from the platform.
  • After that making of strategy will be taught with the help of the SEMrush tool.
  • The analysis of any business is very important, and it will be taught to you that how you should analyze your business.

After taking all the lessons, a person has to go through the test form in which they are going to get the certificate.

The motive behind providing SEMrush Social Media Toolkit Certification Answers

The only motive that we have to serve by providing you the answers is to help you practice. There is no practice resource provided by SEMrush due to which we are giving the latest questions and their answers to the people so that they can practice and score well in their exam. In case you feel any issue with any question or solution, then feel free to contact us.

  1. You can integrate the Social Media Poster with both personal and business Facebook profiles.
  2. You can search mentions in the Brand Monitoring Tool by country or language.
  3. The Social Media Poster can show you the difference between your total new page likes and new page unlikes.
  4. You can export this report on your social media activities to the My Reports tool.
  5. You can track mentions from a specific domain with the help of the Brand Monitoring Tool.
  6. Social Media Poster allows you to find ideas for posting from RSS feeds.
  7. You want to create your daily social media plan and decide how many tweets to post today with the help of the Social Media Tracker. What should you do?
  8. You need to find out which of your or your competitor’s pieces of content perform best on social media. Which Social Media Tracker report allows you to do this?
  9. You need to publish a post on social media, but you can’t do this before your designer prepares a necessary image. Which option in the Social Media Poster should you choose to keep from forgetting to publish the post on time?
  10. You can track these metrics with the Social Media Tracker. Choose three answers.
  11. You want to create a post with the help of the Social Media Poster. Which of these media file types can you add? Choose three answers.
  12. In the Brand Monitoring tool, you can filter Twitter mentions by what? Choose 3 answers.
  13. Which analytics data are available for your Twitter posts after you publish them with the Social Media Poster? Choose two answers.
  14. You can accomplish these tasks with the help of the Social Media Tracker. Choose two answers.
  15. In the Brand Monitoring Tool, you can compare your and your competitors’ brand name by…
  16. What does the Brand Monitoring Tool allow you to do? Choose 3 answers.
  17. You want to track your Facebook business page with the Social Media Poster. Which metrics can SEMrush provide you with? Choose three answers.
  18. While planning your post in Social Media Poster you can add images, GIFs, and UTM parameters to post links.
  19. Which of the following reports on your social media activities can you export to the My Reports tool?
  20. Marketing Calendar allows you to track the traffic data for your campaigns directly from your Google Analytics account, and share this data with your collaborators that have access to that calendar.
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